Microsoft fez um resumo do ano 2015, novidades à caminho



A Microsoft é uma empresa que dispensa apresentações, pela sua grandiosidade, pelos seus feitos e produtos que dispõe no mercado. Este ano a empresa teve um bom desempenho e a sua grande novidade de 2015 foi o Windows 10 sem sombra de dúvidas.

Na mensagem enviada aos seus utilizadores, a Microsoft abordou sobre os mais variados aspectos que conseguiu em 2015 e garante que 2016 será ainda melhor e pediu aos seus fieis consumidores para estarem atentos que o próximo ano eles virão com mais novidades. A Microsoft  garantiu ainda que estará a largar a parceria com a Nokia e o que aumenta os rumores que começarão a surgir novos smartphones criados pela própria empresa.

Nessa mensagem abordou-se ainda que o seu maior desgosto foi no mercado móvel, mas que visa a recompensar no ano que se avizinha, e garantiu que infelizmente ainda não poder executar aplicativos do Android, só para lembrar que isso constava no Project Astoria que foi adiado para brevemente.

Abaixo deixamos a mensagem original da Microsoft em inglês:

Happy holidays to our friends and family!

It’s been an incredible year for us at Microsoft. January started with our big Windows 10 launch, the product of a lot of late nights from Satya and Terry. It went great! We finally showed the world we’re serious about fixing Windows 8’s issues, while guaranteeing that the ungodly horrors of Windows 9 never see the light of day.

On the mobile side, there’s been some heartbreak. We had a rough, expensive breakup with Nokia. But we’re coming out of it stronger and wiser from the heartbreak. (The new Adele album is great, by the way.) Panos pointed out the other day that we’ve been working on one phone OS or another for five years! Hard to believe, although we’re pretty sure we’ve nailed it with Windows 10 Mobile. Universal apps means it can do anything a Windows desktop can do. (That’s right, spreadsheets!) It still can’t run Android apps, but this was the year we finally got a beta version of Instagram. By next year, we might even have Snapchat. You gotta dream big!

Gaming has also been big, as we pressed reset on the Xbox One and took a big leap into VR with the HoloLens. It was a big hit at the keynote, but we’re still keeping pretty quiet about what it does and what it’s for. First-person shooters? Cloud data visualizations? We’re not allowed to say much, but if you’ve ever wanted to feel physically surrounded by emails, stay tuned.

And that’s not even getting into all the new hardware. We can chamfer things too, you know. This year, we put out a new fitness tracker, a bunch of phones, and a new Surface Book with a crazy hinge. I don’t want to jinx it, but people are saying it’s a shoo-in for Hinge of the Year.

Of course, it’s hard to stay focused, particularly during the holidays, so we’re taking time away from the daily grind to remember what got us into this in the first place: the cloud. The cloud has been great to us in 2015, and we think it will be even better in 2016. Thanks cloud! And thanks to all of you, for staying with us through it all.

With love,


P.S. Go Clippers!


Vamos aguardar pelas surpresas da Microsoft em 2016?


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